Terms & Conditions

TAIMC LIMITED, Terms & Conditions

DEFINITIONS In this Agreement, the following words and expressions have the meanings set out below, unless the context requires otherwise:

“Agreement” means the Order Form together with these Standard Terms and Conditions for the Licensing of Data;

“Data” means information of any kind, however presented whether comprising names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses or other information, graphs, maps, pictures, sketches or otherwise in any other form which is supplied or made available by us to you in connection with this Agreement;

“Database” means a collection of data, information and/ or materials whether recorded, collated or stored electronically or otherwise; “Derivative

Work” means any copies of the Data or Materials (or any part thereof) and/ or any materials, Databases or other works whatsoever derived from or using any of the

Materials, Data or Databases supplied or made available by us to you in connection with this Agreement;

“TAIMC LIMITED,” means a form of campaign targeted at End Users whereby End Users are contacted by the Licensee (whether by

telephone, direct mail, email, fax or otherwise) for the purpose of the Licensee seeking to sell, promote or market certain products and/or services of the Licensee or obtaining certain market research information;

“End User” means an individual, business or other target in respect of whom details (whether address, email, telephone number or otherwise) are included in any Data or Materials;

“License Date” means the date of delivery of the Data, and where Data is to be delivered in instalments or updates are to be provided, means the date of delivery of the first instalment of Data;

“License Fee” the fee for the use of the Data payable to us as set out on the Order Form;

“License Period” means, unless otherwise specified on the Order Form, the period of 12 months commencing on the Licence Date;

“Material” means any disks, tapes, documents or other physical media supplied by us to you on which Data or a Database or Databases is/ are stored and/or recorded but excluding such Data and Databases themselves;

“Multiple Use” is a type of permitted use which, if specified as the Permitted Use on the Order Form, means (unless otherwise specified on the Order

Form) the Licensee may use the Data (other than email addresses) for the purpose of seeking to make contact with End Users during the Licence Period in connection with any number of Direct Marketing Campaigns relating to the business of the Licensee and use Data which is email addresses for the purpose of sending not more than 12 emails during the Licence Period to each such email address;

“Order Form” means the Order Form signed by TAIMC LIMITED,  and the Licensee setting out details of the Licence Fee, Licence Period, Permitted Use of Data and other details relating to the licence by TAIMC LIMITED.

“Permitted Use” means use of the Data in connection with a Direct Marketing Campaign or Direct Marketing Campaigns relating to the business of the

Licensee as specified on the Order Form;

“Single Use” is a type of permitted use which, if specified as the Permitted Use on the Order Form, means (unless otherwise specified on the Order Form) the Licensee may use the Data for the purposes of seeking to make contact with End Users once only during the Licence Period in connection with a single Direct Marketing Campaign of the Licensee. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Permitted Use is a Single Use (and unless otherwise specified on the Order Form), the Licensee may not seek to contact any individual End User by whatever means more than once in connection with the Direct Marketing Campaign of the Licensee (with the exception that where seeking to make contact via telephone, the Licensee may make repeated calls until such time as the call is answered) nor in connection with more than one Direct Marketing Campaign of the Licensee; “we” or “us” or “TAIMC” or “our” means TAIMC LIMITED.

“you” or “your” or “Licensee” means you, the organisation identified in the Company details section of the Order Form;

“Undeliverables Threshold” means for the purposes of this Agreement, 15% of the e-mails addresses in the Data licensed and supplied to the Licensee pursuant to this Agreement.


    • TAIMC LIMITED hereby grants to the Licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the Data in the United Kingdom for the Permitted Use during the Licence Period only.
    • You expressly agree that:
  1. You shall not use the Data, Materials, Derivative Works or any part thereof in connection with any use other than the Permitted Use. For theavoidance of doubt, neither Data nor Derivative Works may be reproduced in, used in or as part of any product or services produced, sold or marketed by you at any time;
  2. You shall not provide, lend, make available or allow the use of the Materials, Data, Derivative Works or any part thereof, to or by any third party(including any group or associated company of yours) for any purpose whatsoever except to the extent permitted pursuant to clause 2.3 (employees and agency staff);
  • You shall ensure that neither the Data nor the Materials nor any Derivative Works nor any part thereof shall be transferred or transmittedoutside the United Kingdom and shall not be accessed or used outside the United Kingdom;
  1. You shall not use the Data, the Materials, Derivative Works or any part thereof in connection with the production of any Database, product orservices made available or to be made available by you to your customers, clients or the general public or to compete with any Database products or service of ours or our data suppliers, including in particular (but without limitation) by way of involvement in the production of publication of any directory (local, regional or national) in any format on any media whose content is primarily either classified advertising or “white pages” listings or to provide or enable the provision of a telephone directory enquiry service.
    • You shall be permitted to allow your employees and individual agency staff or contractors working at any registered premises to use the Data on your behalf for the Permitted Use only provided that such employees, agents and/ or contractors comply with the terms of this Agreement with regard to the use of the Data. You shall remain liable for all acts and omissions of your agents and contractors as if their acts or omissions were acts or omissions of you. For the avoidance of doubt you shall not be permitted to provide the Data to any other agency, service provider or business to use the Data or allow any of them to use the Data, whether on your behalf or otherwise.
    • You acknowledge that certain data may deliberately include “seed” or “dummy” records, which do not relate to a real individual, business or target. Such records are included for the purpose of monitoring use of the data or checking for unauthorised use. You agree not alter or delete or seek to alter or delete such records from any Database, Materials or Derivative Works. Use of a “seed” or “dummy” record shall be prime facie proof of use of the remainder of the Data.
    • TAIMC LIMITED reserves the right to treat any use by you of any of the Data,

Materials or any Derivative Work which is outside or exceeds the scope of the Permitted Use, or takes place otherwise than during the Licence Period as a binding order by you for an appropriate number of Single Use or Multiple Use licences as would be required to properly permit such use and in respect of which you shall be obliged to pay us a licence fee which shall be calculated (unless a fee has otherwise been agreed by us in advance of such use) in accordance with our standard rates for such licence at the time of such use. In calculating the type and number of licences required, use properly licensed and paid for will be disregarded and use of any Data, Materials or any Derivative Work shall be treated as use of all Data. Our standard rates as at the date of this Agreement are as follows but these may be amended from time to time without notice:

Rate Card Prices

Single Use Mail £100 per 1000 records Multiple Use £190 per 1000 records

Single Use Mail and phone £135 per 1000 records Multiple Use £230 per 1000 records

Single Use Email £250 per 1000 records Multiple Use £400 per 1000 records

    • You may not make any copies of the Data or Materials other than one copy of the Data for archiving purposes. You must store the Data separately from other data in a secure environment. You must not permit or allow any other person to copy the Data.
    • You are permitted to keep those parts of the Data or Materials after the expiry date of usage where contact by you during the Licence Period has resulted in the marketing recipient making a purchase or contacting you for further information.
    • You may be entitled to a pro-rata refund of your purchase price if email deliverability is less than 85%, contact name accuracy is less than 90%, telephone number accuracy is less than 90% or postal address accuracy is less than 90%. Please contact customer services for advice on how to exercise this. Alternatively, you can store the pro-rata refund element against future orders.


    • Data and any Materials shall be provided in the format specified in the Order Form.
    • If we agree with you to supply and deliver any Materials, you agree to pay our applicable delivery, packing and insurance charges as notified from time to time in respect of such delivery in addition to the Licence Fee.
    • Risk in the Materials during transit shall be yours. In the event that Materials are damaged or lost during transit, we shall make available additional copies of the Materials to purchase at cost price. Any damage or defects to the Materials or Data evident on receipt or shortfalls in delivery must be notified to us within 14 days of the delivery date (or expected delivery date in the case of shortfalls), otherwise TAIMC LIMITED shall not be able to consider and shall not be liable in respect of any claims relating thereto.


  • You agree to pay TAIMC LIMITED the Licence Fees in immediately available funds, together with any other charges agreed or referred to in this Agreement on or before their due date for payment.
  • Payment of TAIMC LIMITED invoices are prior to the provision of the service. Other charges shall be invoiced as they are incurred.
  • All sums payable by you under this Agreement are stated exclusive of taxes, including VAT. Such taxes shall be payable by you in addition at the rate and in the manner prescribed by law
  • Any sum payable to TAIMC LIMITED shall be paid without regard to any equity, set-off or counterclaims. Without prejudice to its other rights and remedies, TAIMC LIMITED shall be entitled to interest on overdue sums at the rate of 5% above the base rate (varying) of TAIMC LIMITED bankers for the time being, accruing daily from the date of issue to the actual date of payment (both dates inclusive), whether before or after judgment.
  • Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, time of payment of the Licence Fee and other charges payable by you shall be the essence of this Agreement.
  • Without prejudice to its other rights and remedies, TAIMC LIMITED shall be entitled, by serving notice of suspension on you, to suspend the licences granted to you hereunder, during any period that any sum under this Agreement is overdue until all such sums have been received by TAIMC LIMITED in full.

You shall not use the Data, Materials or Derivative Works during any period of suspension. Any use by you of the Data, Materials or Derivative Works during the period of suspension shall be a breach of this Agreement and without prejudice to TAIMC LIMITED. other rights and remedies, the provisions of clause 2.5 shall apply.


      • All copyright, database rights and all other intellectual property rights (IP Rights) in the Materials and Data shall be and remain as between you and us the property of TAIMC LIMITED
      • You acknowledge that elements of the Data and/or Materials may be derived from information or materials owned or supplied to us by a data supplier to us (Data Supplier) and you acknowledge the IP Rights of us and Data Suppliers in and to the Data.
      • Except for the limited licence expressly granted hereunder, you acknowledge that you will not acquire any IP Rights or other rights in relation to the Data or Materials.
      • You shall not delete or seek to remove or disguise any marks or notices of TAIMC LIMITED or Data Suppliers which may appear to be incorporated on or in the Materials and/or the Data, such marks and notices which you shall ensure appear on any copies you may be permitted to make hereunder.


      • You acknowledge that TAIMC LIMITED and its suppliers have and do spend considerable resources, time and judgment in collating, sorting and compiling the Data and Materials and that the same are treated by TAIMC LIMITED and are to be treated by you as confidential information of TAIMC LIMITED. You acknowledge that the Data and all the Materials are provided to you on the basis that you agree, and you hereby undertake, to use and to keep the same in strictest confidence, to use the same only for the Permitted use and to not disclose the same to any third party (except to the extent permitted hereunder or to those employees who reasonably require the same to carry out the Permitted Use and who have been made aware of and who comply with the terms of this Agreement (which you undertake to ensure).
      • To the extent you may be permitted by TAIMC LIMITED to allow any third party access and/or use of the Data and/or Materials and/or Derivative Works on your behalf under this Agreement, you shall ensure that you inform such third party and obtain the acknowledgements from such third party in respect of the confidentiality of the Data, Materials and Derivative Works as are contained in this Agreement, and that you obtain from such third party binding, written undertakings to keep the Data, Materials and Derivative Works confidential on terms at least as onerous as those set out herein. You shall be liable for any failure of the third party to whom you provide access to the Data, Materials or Derivative Works to keep the same confidential for any use by any such third party of the same for any purpose other than the Permitted Use or any disclosure of the same by such a third party as if those acts or omissions were acts or omissions of you.

6.3 The provisions of this clause 6 shall not apply to the extent that they may otherwise prevent the disclosure or use of the information or materials which may be the same or similar to the Data and/or Materials to the extent you have obtained such information or materials from a third party not under terms of confidentiality, and/or which is or becomes public knowledge other than through your fault or breach and is or has been extracted or derived by you otherwise than from Data, Databases or Materials of us.

6.4 You agree to notify us promptly of any unauthorised use of the Data, Materials or Derivative Works or any part thereof of which you become aware or suspect.


7.1 Where the Data includes e-mail addresses or e-mail data, the following provisions shall apply in respect of that Data:

7.2 If you wish us to exclude certain criteria from our range of criteria you must provide a suppression file to us that clearly states your requested exclusions prior and as part of your order.

7.3 If you wish us to exclude general e-mail addresses from the e-mail Data field you must request this prior to and as part of your order.

7.4 We are not responsible or liable for e-mail addresses that prove to be undeliverable that where the number of undeliverable addresses exceeds the Undeliverable Threshold and subject to you providing proof of non-delivery within 30 days of the Licence Date, we will endeavor to provide additional email addresses so as to ensure that the percentage of undeliverable e-mails is brought within the Undeliverable Threshold.

7.5 TAIMC LIMITED obligations stated in clause 7.4 above shall not apply where you decide to use a method of delivery that has not been approved in writing by TAIMC LIMITED.

7.6 We reserve the right to require you to cease or modify use of our e-mail Data where we discover that the content of e-mails sent by you is in our reasonable opinion inappropriate or you have misled us about the content.

7.7 Where you procure the use of the e-mail Data to send e-mails, you must ensure that the recipient is given a simple means to opt-out of receiving further communications and you must forward to TAIMC LIMITED, the details of any recipients who do exercise their right to opt-out including any comments that may be made by such recipients in an excel or comma separated format.


    • We will endeavor to comply with the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion and with the DMA UK Direct Marketing Code of Practice and other codes of advertising standards laid down on a self-regulatory basis.
    • Nothing in this Agreement relating to the confidentiality or secrecy of the Data shall prevent or hinder either us or you from complying with our legal obligations as to disclosure or otherwise under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the Data Protection Act 2018.
    • You will ensure that any use to which the Data is put complies with, and in using the Data, you shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice from time to time including, without limitation, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, those of the Post Office and the Universal Postal Union. You represent, warrant and undertake that
  1. You have undertaken and shall maintain all necessary notifications required for your use of the Data as data controller as required under theData Protection Act 2018;
  2. You shall carry out all Direct Marketing Campaigns in compliance with, and shall ensure that all materials and scripts relating thereto shallcomply with all relevant rules and regulations;
    • You shall not use the Data in connection with the delivery or communication of any defamatory, malicious or threatening statements ormaterials or materials, which infringe the IP Rights of any third party.


    • Where the Material is a disk or tape, we warrant that the disk or tape will be free from material defects in material and workmanship for a period of 30 days from delivery. We will replace free of charge any disk or tape which is defective (or (at our option) refund the relevant Licence Fee paid) if you return the disk or tape to us at your risk and expense within the 30-day period. This will be our sole liability to you with regard to defects in material and workmanship. We are not liable for any defect if it is caused by wear and tear, or intentional damage, or failure to follow instructions.
    • Subject to clause 10, we warrant that any services we provide to you will be provided in a good and workmanlike manner.
    • We do not warrant that the Data shall be fit for any particular purpose.
    • Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, all conditions, warranties, terms, stipulations and other statements whatsoever (except as to title to goods) that would otherwise be implied or imposed by statute, at common law, by a course of dealing or otherwise howsoever are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    • You hereby undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified TAIMC LIMITED with respect to any liabilities, losses, damage or expenses (including reasonable expenses) whatsoever arising or incurred by TAIMC LIMITED


  • TAIMC LIMITED makes all efforts to maximise the accuracy of the leads supplied and where stated on confirmed orders leads are supplied on an exclusive basis. All leads we supply are subject to validation checks to ensure they are valid and meet the Customer’s requirements. However, we cannot give a 100% accuracy guarantee as the data is subject to change outside of our control. Therefore, we do offer replacement leads where leads are reported as being inaccurate or out of scope.

9.6 The replacement policy for leads is up to 15% per order, if errors are found they must be reported before any review can be conducted on data supplied. This must be supplied to NMG once you have completed your marketing campaign in full or within 90 days. The disposition report must be prepared electronically and list the out of scope leads and full reasons for why the lead is being listed as erroneous.

9.TAIMC LIMITED will replace those leads which have been found, on review to be at fault. TAIMC LIMITED cannot replace leads which are found not to be inaccurate or for where there is not a clear enough reason given for the error report.

TAIMC LIMITED as a result of any breach by you of your obligations hereunder or arising out of any use by you of the Data or the Materials (except to the extent arising as a direct result of any breach of our obligations hereunder).


10.1Time for us to perform any obligations is not and may not be made of the essence.

  • Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, except in respect of death or personal injury caused by our negligence, we will not be liable for any consequential, economic, or indirect loss or any loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of contracts or loss of anticipated savings arising in any way in connection with the supply or non-supply of the Data or Materials to you.
  • Whilst we attempt to ensure that the Data is accurate and complete, by reason of the immense quantity of matter dealt with in providing and in compiling the Data and the fact that part of the Data may be supplied by sources not controlled by us, which cannot always be verified, as well as the possibility of negligence or mistake, we do not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of the Data and you agree not to hold us responsible for any error therein or omissions therefrom.
  • Without prejudice to clause 10.3 and except as otherwise stated, any query, complaint or claim you may have with regard to the Data or Materials must be notified to us within 30 days of your receipt of the Data or Materials respectively. Any such queries, complaints or claims received more than

30 after your receipt of the Data or Materials will not be considered by TAIMC LIMITED shall not be liable (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) in respect of any such claims unless you have notified us of the claim within such 30 day period

10.5 In the event of any valid claim against TAIMC LIMITED with respect to any defects with respect to the Data or Materials, we shall make good such defects (or (at our option) refund the pro-rata portion of the Licence Fee paid). This will be our sole liability with respect to defects in the Data or Materials.

10.6 Save in respect of liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, our aggregate liability in connection with this Agreement (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) for any one cause of action or series of connected causes of action shall not in any event exceed one and a half times the Licence Fee paid.


    • Upon verbal instruction or signature by you of this Agreement, you irrevocably agree to be bound to the purchase of the licence and the other terms of this Agreement. Until such time as we have received a copy of this Agreement (unaltered from the form in which it was sent to you) signed by you, we may withdraw the offer to license and supply Data to you as set out in this Agreement at any time by notifying you by any means (including by telephone or email). Offers will automatically lapse 30 days after the order date on the Order Form and  TAIMC LIMITED reserves the right not to accept any signed orders or agreements received after such 30-day period. We will notify you whether your order has been accepted in these circumstances.
    • Once accepted by you or us (as applicable), this Agreement may not be cancelled by you and you shall be required to pay the full Licence Fee for the Licence Period for all Data ordered regardless of whether you choose to receive or use the Data.
    • We shall be entitled (without affecting any other rights we may have) immediately to suspend or terminate this Agreement if: i) Your business becomes subject to legal distress or execution; or
  1. ii) You offer to make any arrangements with your creditors or become bankrupt or being a limited company have a receiver, administrative receiver or administrator appointed over the whole or part of the property; or iii) Any order is made or a resolution is passed or proceedings are taken for your winding up; or iv) You cease to carry on or threaten to cease to carry on all or a substantial part of your business; or
  2. v) You are the subject of any event or process analogous or preparatory to any of those specified in this clause 11.3 above.

11.4 Promptly following expiry of the Licence Period or earlier termination of this Agreement, you shall delete and destroy (or, on our prior request, return) all copies of the Data, Materials and Derivative Works within your possession or control or stored on any of your systems or

Databases, and shall ensure the deletion or destruction of any within the possession, control or on the systems or databases of any third party to whom you may have made the same available. This does not apply to Data and Materials as specified in Clause 2.7.

11.5 Clauses 1, 2.5, 4.4, 5, 6, 9.5, and 10 to 16 shall continue to apply notwithstanding termination or expiry of the Licence Period or this Agreement.


We shall not be liable to you or be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform any of our obligations in relation to the provision of the Materials or Data or our other obligations under this Agreement if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond our reasonable control.


Notices may be given by either of us to the other by sending them to the registered office of the other party. Any such notice will be valid if sent by first class post or fax and deemed to be received on the second business day following posting or transmitting.


This Agreement comprises the entire agreement between the parties and there are not any agreements, understandings, promises or conditions, oral or written, expressed or implied, concerning the subject matter which are not merged into this contract and superseded hereby. This Agreement may be amended in the future only in writing executed by the parties.

    1. WAIVER The failure or delay of either party to exercise any right or remedy in connection with this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of thatright or remedy, and the waiver of any breach or infringement shall not operate as a waiver or any subsequent breach or infringement. No waiver shall be effective unless it is in writing, duly signed and communicated to the other in accordance with clause.


This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with Scottish law. The parties agree that the Scottish courts will have nonexclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes relating to this Agreement.TAIMC LIMITEDTAIMC LIMITED,TAIMC